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Smartcard Logon (March 07)

A Plug-in is a compact client-side application that can be installed on Chip PC Thin-Client devices.  The Plug-in technology makes keeping client-side software up to date possible without the need to fully upgrade the client's firmware.

The Smartcard Logon plug-in enables the use of a smartcard to secure the thin client and prevent unauthorized access to the device.


Security is achieved by using the following methods:

  1. The plug-in reads the values of certain fields in the certificate that is stored on the smartcard.
  2. The plug-in compares the values it has read to corresponding values entered during the plug-in configuration.
  3. If any one of the values that is read from the smartcard, does not match the corresponding pre-configured value, then access to the
Smartcard Logon (March 07)
 File name: Smartcard Logon [0307].xcp
 Download size: 889 Kb
 Languages: English
 Estimated download time:  
  Download File
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